
Thursday 30 August 2018


On Saturday me and mum went to her mum's friends birthday party we
went to Winnebagose.

First we got into the car at 6 o’clock with Debbie and we went to
the one and Winnebagose in Christchurch. When we got there
I got a raspbian coke and my
mum got a wine. After a while we ordered our dinner it an hour
for them to bring it out of the
kitchen. I got a delicious carbonara pasta when it came
out looks like the king pasta. After we had dinner I so our
waitress smashed a plate with a pizza on it it would have
been so embarrassing for that waitress. I could hear everybody
talking about the smashed plate afterwards. Then the waitress
come over and we got a dessert pizza and a coke the dessert
pizza had bananas with chocolate over top of it and 4 scoops of
ice cream. After that we went home and watch the Warriors play.

It was a great night at Winnebagose because I loved the food.

this week we are learning to write a recount I decided to write about
going to Winniebagoes. my goal is to put wow words into my writing and
making it makes sense

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