
Sunday 19 August 2018

Our First Session

In Miss G reading research group we are learning how to make reading fun. Today we identified our reading interests and set two reading goals.


Today we listened to audio books my story was about war. I learnt that in the war the black legs go on a rampage. I enjoyed this story book because people died and it reminds me of my favorite game. The audio books help me to understand the story and the words I don't know.


Today we looked at how our peer interactions influence our reading. We read Sophia's Big Wedding with a buddy and we used a sticky note to write down the words we were unsure of. On my sticky note I wrote: sophia, greece, Eleni, arrived, Emmanue, Katerina, and cheerfully .I found this experience fun because I got to read with a buddy and my buddy helped me to figure out the words I did not know.

Today we wrapped up our sessions with Miss Goslin. We finished our flip/comic books that we had based off an audio book that we had read earlier in the sessions. We also discussed what we enjoyed the most in the sessions and how this helped our reading. 
My favourite activity was the audio book because it was fun and made words I did not know know.

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