
Tuesday 31 July 2018

The Green Team

My group read a story about vegetables. It was called the green team . we described vegetables using adjectives here is my google brawing . 

Wednesday 4 July 2018



Rain came down hard and
cold from the dark grey clouds
It drenches my clothes , making
me soggy and wet. Freezing cold like Antarctic ice.
Hot chocolate or Milo next to
the fire and watching Family Guy.
When I go to bed I snuggle
under the blankets and
watch YouTube on my phone.
Before I go on my phone
I got Outside and get
firewood so Mum
can put wood on the
fire so is it freezing cold in the Morning.But in the Morning It is still usually freezing cold When
i go to bed I snuggle under the blanket

As I go outside in the morning I shiver because it's so cold.
In writing this week we wrote a poem about winter. I had to come up with sentences relating to winter. I found it challenging to come up with a first sentence but once I got the first sitting down it was easy to come up with a rest

visual arts

The last couple weeks I have been learning about
visual arts.In visual arts we had to design a tattoo i design my tattoo of a fish up with AT on it and AT stands for Aiden and Toby. We had to watch lots of videos to see what they put on the tattoos and designs. I found it challenging to think of a design but it was easy once I thought of one.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Hangi day

On Thursday after school some men came to our school to dig a Hangi pit
Early on Friday morning they returned to light the fire .By the time i got to school the fire was roaring and smoke was billowing out 
WE got to look at the fire and it was explained to us that the wood+iron had to be white hot.
Later we went back and they wet the fire and put wet cabbage leaves in to create steam.
WE watched them lower the food in. There were 3 big baskets they put on more wet cabbage leaves and wet sacks. Covered  it with a tarpaulins and covered with dirt to keep steam in.3 hours later we finally got to eat it. I thought the food was disgusting